


Now with style file references!

24.09.08     13:01:21






Have a look down at the bottom and then check to see whether the font looks different in this blog post.

Maybe it works.
We will see.

Now that we can choose and upload a specific '.css' style file, this means that we can customize the appearance of the blog that much more.

Of course, it would be even better if we could choose the colors for the light and dark modes using the style file. How can that be done? I will need to rearrange a little bit of code, and then I could set up this color scheme as a default fallback.

I am pretty sure that is possible, I only need to work a little while at removing all explicit color references from the code and converting them into class addition and removal.

That is the way for this to be accomplished.

The more I keep working on this little blog file, the more I am wondering: Who is working to improve the emptyFile project right now?

Maybe it's best that I turn my attention back to that monster of an HTML program. It does need some attention to it's most pressing issue.










blogfile [+]
-- INSERT --
blogfile [+]
-- INSERT --