


A Novel Approach?

24.09.09     13:04:19






It may be that this is a new approach to the same old problem.

How can we maximize our advantage?

We have computers, now we just need to be sure that we are employing every advantageous method that is available.
As you can see, there is now a little tool available at the bottom of the screen. There is also a button to save an open draft.

What does that tool do?

It gives an easy method for inputting the HTML headers, without the need for accessing any internal HTML markup. The HTML markup language is sometimes a little bit tricky to work with. If we write even a single character in the wrong place, our entire document looks sort of 'destroyed' or 'disfigured'.HTML only looks good if it's perfect.There are a few little things that I will still need to fix up in this little program but, it has come a long way very quickly and is already very effective.The more that I add to this program, the more I question whether the more simple version might be preferred under certain circumstances, and for some usage cases.There is something beautiful about having a single button program that simply saves a new textual blog file.As I add more and more, I am wondering whether there can be found a minimalist reduction of this expanded version.One issue with the file is that, the larger it gets, the more overhead size it adds to any file that retains it.










blogfile [+]
-- INSERT --
blogfile [+]
-- INSERT --