


A New Week

24.09.07     21:46:13






RECYCLE THIS BLOG! Just try the little button above the title box. Then you can write your own blog in the same way.

I really like this file! It is my favourite one just now. I have left off work on the emptyFile project temporarily while I work through the process of improving this file.

This file needs to be improved to the point where we can say that it doesn't really need any more.

Of course, it will not become a large program like with the emptyFile project. That one is focused more broadly and is not intended to be application specific. This file is the other way, it is intended to be totally specific. Essentially what we are seeing with this file is a lightweight writer program. I can see clearly that we need to have the ability to enter the meta tag data directly through this program. If we can do that, then maybe only a few more things and we'll have a good program.

Other potentially important inclusions: We need a button that will allow the reader to save a link to the file that they are reading. This link can be made up of the open graph tag information. It should have a title and the description attached. It should be like a standardized little package. Then, these little links will be saved as an html particle. This way a reader of the material, or the writer, will be able to make use of the links in other blogs, or on their website. This way we can make reference to blog subject matter etcetera. The advantage of this is clear.

I have considered using the filename as the clickable tool which will save the link for the present page. Then, that way, touching the filename will save the link in a file, in the format.

Truly, getting the control over the meta data entry is of utmost importance too.

So, the view for this little program is one where it remains minimal and is used as a writing program. It should be a standalone program which does not require the use of the emptyFile program. The emptyFile program would enhance it's use but, the two should remain separate. That way they do not become reliant on each other for their operation.

Even so, the two programs used in combination should work seamlessly. Their capabilities should compliment each other, though there should be some overlapping in their features. This little program might end up having inputs that are similar to those found in the emptyFile program. For example, there should be a way to add links into this blog. That should be possible.

Thinking about it just now, there might be a good method to allow direct HTML input through a textarea. Maybe that is the way to go about this. Mostly, we will want to avoid typing characters that are not easily accessed on the phone. For example the '<' and '>' characters which are needed regularly in HTML.

We could write up some basic formats for link inputs, image input, and other tags.

Then... shouldn't there be a way for the writer to send the whole thing via email?

But then... are we not just writing the emptyFile program all over again?

It will need some basic utilities, and it will have those basic utilities.

This blog writing file needs to be independent and distinct.

Inshallah the Almighty(SWT) will guide me to the right way.










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