Date: September 2nd, 2024
Peace and blessings be upon you. Send this link to your friends for direct download. for tutorial and explanations of the buttons and parts of this program:
Transfer to dataBlocks using PASTE, or writeOn.
Use email HTML to send.
Always use the file/message button last. Otherwise it will overwrite itself before you can complete the imports. It is best to import using dataBlock A1.
Transfer to dataBlocks using PASTE, or writeOn.
Use email HTML to send.
Always use the file/message button last. Otherwise it will overwrite itself before you can complete the imports. It is best to import using dataBlock A1.
First I must tell you that there is only One God(SWT), and it is The God(SWT) who revealed Himself to Abraham, Ishmael(the son of Abraham), Issac, Jacob, Moses, and the only messiah Jesus, whose mother was Mary(a daughter descended from Aaron the preist). Any person who denies this is a liar. Jesus(PBUH) is not dead and Mohammed(PBUH) told the truth in recitation.
Wishlist: Draw up HTML input widget; Include image inputs for 'web hosted images'(supported in mailto with Outlook) and for embedded images in base64(not supported yet in mailto); Include various other HTML inputs, list, h1-6, u i b q p etc? Outlook mobile app seems to be the one that supports the most HTML in mailto links. This is an advantage.
Other tip: Irregular Expressions (on F-Droid) simulates font style but, the drawback is that it is really just unicode characters, so there is no translation available if that is used. It catches the eye in the subject line though!
Note: What follows is just an example. Personally, why bother doing that when the base layout and functions are probably better than what would result from the following arrangement. I'm sure you'll find some interesting things to do with the macros anyway.
Also, I noticed when I finally got around to it: The mailStack can be sent using full HTML! And then you can click the links from within the email program! So, maybe just send the mailStack to yourself? Or save it, whatever. Then you can run a schedule with your mailouts and it becomes a lot like all other 'social networking'. It's strange how all formats seem to have all of the same characteristics but, for some reason, email has not become fully developed in the same direction allowing for a direct comparison. Email is not generally used in the private person to person sense at such a large scale. Why not? The main difference will be privacy. There will be no company playing the role of moderator. Laws regarding email have already been defined so, the advantage for social networking users will be found with email because of the advantageous legal structure. No? Freedom of speech may yet prevail over censorship. Interesting fact, if an email has the recipients name in it, it is not considered arbitrary. It is technically not a 'spam'. Even if you send 500 similar emails, if they all use the recipients name, it is not spam. It will be a private email which has all of the same safeguards as an email containing sensitive financial information. So, just make up a dedicated social networking email, and you are good to go!
Email is not the only use-case. The program is not specialized to any specific use. The specializations are left to the user.
This description will only give a possible use case. Final arrangement of the program is left to the user, who, ideally, will share with their friends. This program has a high degree of customization potential.
Notice that there is a way of importing a VCF file containing a contact list. This will only use the 'full name' and 'email address' components for entry into the dataBlocks. It will only use the first 125.
Pay especially close attention to the 'clkMacro', the 'writeOn', and the 'inputMode' sections in the program.
To set up the program for our needs, we can use 'clkMacro' and then use 'writeOn' and/or 'inputMode' to move, combine, and arrange our data.
It is best that we use 'clkMacro' to make buttons which perform repetitive tasks which we need frequently. The button can be placed on the face of the dataBlock button so that we can access the button without opening the dataBlock. This is accomplished as follows: First, we will use 'clkMacro' to perform the task we like to have; Second, we use the button below the text area in dataBlock y5 (zulu). This will put a small version of the button into the filename area. Thus it becomes visible on the face. We can now copy and paste this button to another area using input mode. By using this method, we can arrange buttons which will perform tasks. The other textual components on the face of the dataBlock button become a space to note the function of the macro-button.
One example usage will be to combine the email address data from each row and enter it into the dataBlock on the left. By doing this, we can see that we will be able to easily send a single email to many recipients. It may also be usefull to prepare a 'clkMacro' that will combine all address data from all 25 squares and put the result into the top left dataBlock. If we use a macro, this will become easy. Then we must place the new macro button into a location where it will be easy to access. I suggest the bottom row for this purpose but, the user will decide. By combining the email address data, we can see that we are limiting the customization for the email message. We can no longer customize the email by using the keywords and templates to include the name of the addressed person, or other such individual tailoring. That would only be a good use for the individuals. So, we see that we have changed the character of our result if we choose to combine the email address data in this way.
It may be the case that we wish to send our email using some HTML formatting to improve the appearance. For this, we can use mailStack HTML and email HTML. If we want to have the HTML styling, an email program like 'outlook' will keep most of the HTML when we use the mailto links from this program. If we want to send the HTML data as plaintext for the purpose of copy and paste back into the program, we should then use a mail program that does not support HTML in mailto links. This way, we can send some program data through email. For example, we can send a1Export data to others using email. For this, we will use mailStack HTML (many) or emailHTML (one).
Another important thing to bring attention to, which can be used for email: Each dataBlock, on the inside, and in the tools area. Look and you will find that there is a small yellow button with an orange border. When we press the button next to it 'to top', we can see that the button is placed on the face of the dataBlock button. The function of this button is as follows: When the button is pressed, the subject line and the message-file area will be put into all other dataBlocks. When this happens, any keywords that were in that original information will be switched to the ones in the dataBlocks that it goes in to. This is good. We use this feature to make a row of dataBlocks that can be used as email templates. When we want to use one, we only need to press the single button, and then the email can be 'set up'. Then it is ready for us to use mailStack HTML, text, or mailStack Auto. When we use any of the mailStack buttons, we can find the result will be in the mailStack tab. It is the white tab on the left. Looking inside we see there are buttons for mailStack auto, and a button to view the mailStack. We can also clear the mailStack, save the mailStack, or send the mailStack to 'intake'. If we send the mailStack to 'intake', we can send the mailStack itself in an email message, if we wish.
So, we are seeing that, for the purpose of arranging email, we have a high degree of customization and scalability available. We only need to choose what methods and manner we wish to deploy for the purpose of our use-case.
When receiving an email with HTML information in plain-text format, we must use 'select all' and then copy. Then we can paste that information into any dataBlock in the text area in the tools section. Then click the button to put it into the message-file area. If this is successful, we can then use whatever buttons or things appear.
Email is not the sole purpose of this program. The user may do the final specializations for their own use-case.
The first specification will be relating to what is called 'input mode'. This mode allows the user to rearrange the dataBlocks using operations that are as follows:
Copy(blue): this operation will copy data from the grid into the workspace.
Paste(red): this operation will paste data from the workspace into the grid, the data in the grid will be overwritten.
Swap(yellow): this operation will swap complete dataBlocks between the grid and the workspace.
Each of these operations can operate with twenty-five, five, or one dataBlock. With five blocks, there are two modes available: Row-mode and Column-mode. For the single operation, paste is unique. It has an additional option that allows data to be applied to all five grids at the same location using the option called 'VCOL'. Swap has the additional option, when one is used, which allows the swap to 'roll through' the workspace.
Copy overwrites data in the workspace.
Swap does not overwrite data in the workspace, and it also does not overwrite data in the grid, it only interchanges the chosen dataBlocks. The interchange uses the complete dataBlocks.
Paste is, again, a special operation because it can apply selected data if desired. When using paste, it is important to select which data the paste operation will apply by choosing the data in the paste menu. The paste menu becomes visible when we select paste. We must then open the menu to access the options. Pressing the paste menu button a second time closes the menu.
When we push the little square symbol on the right, the full workspace grid becomes visible. To close it, we will push the little square a second time.
When we push the plus symbol, the full workspace becomes visible and we see that there is a large black square that becomes available. When we touch this large black square, it overwrites the main square in the workspace.
It is important to make special emphasis about this black square and it's important role in the functioning of this website as a whole. The role of this black square is to block certain squares from being used. It is a very important concept that will greatly improve our use of this website.
The black square is important when considering the a1Export feature. This feature allows the user to export data via email. Using the black square will allow the user to stop certain dataBlocks from being exported. From the view of the user who will later import the data, we see that, where there was a black square, the data is not transferred. This way, the data that is present in the receiving dataGrid will not be overwritten in the positions that are occupied by the black squares in the incoming import information.
This is the simplest implementation, as we can use the black square to stop the transfer of an entire dataBlock. More complex implementation of this concept is possible. Each component within the black square halts the transfer of that component on an individual, component by component basis. That is to say, we can halt the transfer of individual components within a single dataBlock. Because of this, we have a very high level of control over the transfer of data from one dataGrid into another dataGrid which already contains data.
We can use the paste operation to select only part of the data from the black 'block' in order to have a better control over what data is transferred.
Even the black color of the special black dataBlock will stop the transfer of color through the export operation. The color scheme in the receiving dataGrid, in that block, will be preserved.
One prospective use case for this is of collaboration between two or more users on a single project. Each users could have designated for themselves a portion of the common dataGrid. The users could then transfer to each other their daily updates via email through the a1Export feature. The special 'block' peice can create a method of doing this.
Data is easily imported without the use of file attachments. The entire email message is selected using 'select all' and then copy. The entire message is then pasted into any dataBlock, preferably 'A1'. The import button is clicked. Then the import information becomes visible to the user. The user can then import some, or all of the data that has been received in the text of the email.
The export email must be sent using email HTML or mailStack HTML. Be sure that the email program you use does not support HTML in the mailto link (so, don't use Outlook). You should be able to see all of that HTML nonsense plainly.
Using a1-Export is an easy way of transferring dataBlock information.
We see that, when we touch the a1Export button(it has a red border), we see that there is a selection box that appears. Using this selection box we can select which data we would like to prepare for export via email. Pay special attention to the two options at the bottom of the list, and notice that they will allow their data, in either the 'addresses' location, or the 'file/message' location to be appended to the existing data upon being imported. This way those data peices will be combined and the existing data will not be overwritten. All of the other options will overwrite any existing data unless there is a 'black' blocking square placed in that location in the grid.
I must move on from the subject of input mode. Everything else in input mode is fairly obvious. We can invert the workspace grid, we can flip the workspace grid horizontally, vertically, and we can swap entire rows. Aside from that, when we touch any square in the input grid, it will be swapped with the main square. The main square is special for the workspace grid.
We can also import and export complete templates of the workspace grid. The workspace grid also contains a default template.
Also notice that the entire input mode functionality is 'severable', and we can, if we are able, redesign our own input mode and import it. At the time of this writing I have not yet decided whether to include the script section pertaining to the input mode within the area that will be imported, completing its severablility. The practicality of this is unclear.
When the clkMacro button is touched the two macro buttons become visible on the screen, one is green and the other is red. The green macro is one that will later operate in reverse, the usefulness of this is questionable. The red macro works in the same way it is used. It will record all of the same button presses in the same order that they are made. When it is pressed, the macro will record, the border become red in color around the screen edge. It is important to note that there is no time limit, and time is not a factor in the recording of macros of this type. The macro recorder only records the click events. When the macro is replayed later, all clicks are repeated instantly. The timing of the clicks is not preserved and is irrelevant, so, there is no rush when you are recording a macro.
One point I will make about macro recording is that, if you are attempting to do this successfully, you must be careful to begin recording the macro at the correct program state. It may be best to begin recording the macro from where the button appears. If we enter into input mode, we must be aware that clicking the input mode button has enabled input mode for the purpose of the input mode operations. If we are attempting to use input mode for the purpose of a reverse macro, we must be sure to do all of the button clicks that we needed to do first, but instead also do them after we finish our inputs. Whatever we did 'on the way in' we also need to do 'on the way out' for the purpose of a reverse macro.
The last thing that I will mention about the forward and reverse macros is that they can be used simultaneously or concurrently. An example of this is if we were to perform swap operations. First we would enable both macros, then we would touch the input mode button to enable input mode, then we would touch the swap button, then we would perform the desired swap operations, we would then touch the same swap buttons again, finally we would touch the input mode button again, and then we would complete the macro operations by touching their buttons again to stop their recordings. If we did this exactly, and nothing else, we would be successful in assembling both the forward and the reverse macro at the same time and for the same events. The macros will then allow us to swap and swap back into place.
Again, I will make mention of the important function of the 'blocking square' in relation to the mailStack feature. The black blocking square will cancel out entire dataBlocks from being processed by any mailStack operation. In the same way, webSave will not be processed when there is a blocking square in place. The process will skip over the blocking square, and that dataBlock will not be included.
It is important to notice that the block-out of a dataBlock for the purpose of mailStack is determined only by the letters 'xqn' being present in the label location. If we are not sure what this means, don't worry, we can use the entire blocking square as it does itself contain the letters 'xqn' in the correct location.
The mailStack feature also allows us to select dataBlocks for processing based on the label. If we wish, we can enter the label into the boxes there, and we will only process the dataBlocks which have those labels. In this way we can select and create groups for the purpose of emailing.
So we see that we can 'cancel' some dataBlocks and we can at the same time 'select' others. This give a good level of control over the emailing system. Of course, this works together with the copying and pasting operations, where, it is clear that we can copy the label, and then select to paste out the label information only, and in this way we can apply the correct selection label to the dataBlocks.
This will send the textual component of what is within the file/message area. It will become the email message. The HTML components will not be sent. This is a strong option for general communication. Of course, before sending, we can use the browser to translate the message into the language of our intended recipient(s).
With this implementation we can send HTML to a friend in the body of the email. The recipient will then use 'select all', copy, and then paste it into any dataBlock. There they can view the entire HTML as it was design. With this, we can send click macros, we can send a1Export, and all other HTML files, without ever using an attachment. Because HTML is only 'markup' and javascript is only 'script', they are both given in plaintext formats, so, we can send them in the body of an email without problems.
This implementation of mailStack is an operation which will completely overwrite all file/message areas in all dataBlocks. To use this method successfully, we must load our intended file/message into the intake area first, then we can use this method in either 125(the entire system) or any grid of twenty five.
These are two important components of any website. We need to have an index page, and we need to have a sitemap. With these two buttons, we have these two important files assembled based on the filenames which are in our dataGrid. Again, the 'black' blocking square play the most important role in implementing this. If we have the blocking square in place, that square will not become part of the sitemap and it will not become part of the index page. It will be skipped in the process. The assembly of the index page and the sitemap are intended to be used together with the webSave feature which will be explained briefly next.
These features are similar, one is designed to save a single file, while the other is designed to be able to go through the entire grid, if desired, and save all of the files in succession. Again the 'black' square is the most important one. It controls which dataBlocks will be processed by this feature. If we have only a few files to save, we must block out all of the other squares and then we can still use the saveIndex and the sitemap features, as well as web save advance. This way we can have a complete website assembled without difficulty. As long as we upload the index into the same directory as the other files, and we make sure that the file all have the correct names without spaces or added numbers, then it will all be functional.
These two functions work together to render a keyed map of the entire dataGrid which the script will allow easy entry using a list. This feature is intended for a knowledgeable person who knows a little bit about using the command prompt with linux.
Together with the Key Script, there is a section that is commented out. This section is itself a file which can be used to set up the same backup, reversion, and logfile system that was used during the writing of this website. I have not made it at the time of this writing but, In-shallah it will be included in a good fashion.
Another thing that should not be overlooked is a special button within each dataBlock in the tools area. It is called 'language lock'. This serves a very simple purpose. After we have translated the file and subject line with the browser, we can use this button to 'lock in' the translation. When we turn the translation off, we see that the information remains in the translated form. We have captured it. This is good. It may be a good idea to do this in advance of using mailStack or webSave. That way, we could go through many files or emails quickly without translating each one between the process. When translating, be sure to use the small text options, they are in red. Even if we cannot read it, the browser can still see the small text. We will know that the text has been translated when the 'applesauce?' indicator has changed. The browser translates things from top to bottom. This way, we can translate a large file easily.
Alternatively the process would correctly be: check 'applesauce', click advance, check 'applesauce', click advance. This may be good too, I haven't tried on a significant project yet as I have been too busy preparing this website. I will practice while I translate this website using it's own features.
If that sounded strange, I assure you that it is perfectly sensible, the website will, in reality, allow it's own completion. Without the use of this website, I would not easily be able to complete this website.
One more thing, no two more things. One: the import email button also clears the message/file area. Two: there is a good little webpage start that is available in a5.
viewMode notes:
In this mode: Tool menus are closed by default and can be opened individually within each tab. Clicking the buttons will open the tabs to view the file contents. File contents can be edited individually. Touching the edges will close all tabs. When button faces are white, a second touch will put ring select. The column numbers can be clicked to help do ring select. Using 'Vcol-On' will select the same in all levels. Use 'web save' to set file naming for websites.
mailStack notes: